Good news!

By CaseyFpC85 - 11/09/2011 15:13 - United States

Today, the girl I've been dating, and starting to fall in love with, walked out of the bathroom claiming we were going to be parents. I jumped off of the couch in disbelief, yelling, "Really?" She replied, "Really. I just gave birth to a huge dump baby." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 453
You deserved it 7 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Britttx26 0

I don't wanna break it to u, but ur not the father...... It's chipotle


That's what you get for sticking it in her arse

Your girlfriend is the shit! No pun I think it's sweet she's that comfortable with you that she can make those kinda jokes.

We'd better call The Poopsmith (+10 for the reference).

YdoIhaveAchode 4

Did you go in there after she was done and bask in the smell of her dump baby?

I say if she has a sense of humor like that, she's a keeper.

daydreamer244 13

is it a boy dump or a girl dump???!!

bizarre_ftw 21

That what me and my bf call his ***** as they are huge