Get off my lawn!

By Anonymous - 29/08/2020 14:09

Today, the police came to my house and arrested me. Why? The neighborhood kids thought it would be fun to hide behind my house and shoot at people with paintball guns. People saw it coming from my house and called the police. I was fired from work, due to missing it without notice. No excuses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 099
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for a lawyer and go talk to the police chief and call your former boss and let them know thats a wrongful termination also in some states not only can you sue the parents but you may be able to sue the police station for false arrest


time to ruin some children's innocence they take your job you take their belief in magoc simple

Time for a lawyer and go talk to the police chief and call your former boss and let them know thats a wrongful termination also in some states not only can you sue the parents but you may be able to sue the police station for false arrest

coius 23

Out it to the media. Put the kids actions in scrutiny. File a wrongful arrest suit and then file against parents of kids. The media sill help prove your case against the wrongful termination when it goes to court. Also, send an email to the ceo of your company decrying what the manager did and tell them you’ll pursue legal action if this is not settled right. Having a lawyer send the letter is a better idea. But in either case, you definitely need a lawyer. Dont do the legal process yourself or you’ll get screwed. Trust me on this one.

1. As some people said, sue the parents 2. Sue your company for wrongful termination if they don't accept the proof you have

HistoryHasEyes 19

Everyone is saying you should sue your employer but that doesn't make sense. It's not wrongful termination you didn't show up for your shift. It doesn't matter why you didn't show up your car could have been broken down, your dog could have died it wouldn't have mattered if you miss a shift you miss a shift.Especially in this case where you didn't give notice that you weren't showing up.