Genius move

By Soopa-Genius - 22/09/2011 12:06 - Canada

Today, the new office IT guy figured the best way to get the virus off my computer was to wipe my entire hard drive. He was kind enough to back my data up and restore everything from the backups. Including the virus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 506
You deserved it 2 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I think it's your IT guy that needs to be wiped.


thejedi08 10

he might not like you then... why you bang his wife?

Kenton1008 21

you ******* dick, be grateful he actually tried to help you.. people like you need to piss off

Trying to help? It was the guys JOB to fix it and instead he wasted OPs time with his incompetence.

It was the guy's job to fix the computer. His files and anything else are the poor ******'s own responsibility. If the guy's own files contained an infection that spread back to the computer after it was re-imaged, particularly if I found out he was bitching about it being MY fault, my default course of action would be to wipe the whole thing, then replace his workstation with a PS/2 terminal from the late 80s and let him do his ******* TPS reports on that. No more facebook or pornhub for you, jackass!

no1xaskedxy0u 5

No no no no no! All you computer illiterate people ALWAYS blam the IT people. NO! It's you! Stop clicking everything that tells you to. If you don't know how to use a computer, you shouldn't be allowed to! YDI stop clicking facebook links and do your effing job!

Yeah, because it's never your fault for being such a ******* tool that you click every talking ad and install every damn toolbar and smiley pack you get, not to mention whatever **** sites you may frequent. Quit blaming this shit on everybody but yourself and be grateful he bothered to back your shit up to begin with.

Well, he's no Moss.. Perhaps he lied on his CV?

Zottenpedj 21

but he als can just delete the virus probably

mylittledoktor 9