**** ICE

By Anonymous - 06/04/2022 10:00

Today, I thought my girlfriend of two years had ghosted me. Turns out, she was deported after assuming that “this whole immigration thing will just sort itself out.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 085
You deserved it 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend of two years disappears. And instead of looking for her checking hospitals and stuff, you assume she ghosted you? Doesn't sound like the most stable relationship

If he did check hospitals and stuff, he could not have found anything as he should have looked abroad. Who checks abroad?


Your girlfriend of two years disappears. And instead of looking for her checking hospitals and stuff, you assume she ghosted you? Doesn't sound like the most stable relationship

If he did check hospitals and stuff, he could not have found anything as he should have looked abroad. Who checks abroad?

They don't have internets where she was deported to? If she were your girlfriend, she'd certainly contact you to let you know what's up. Otherwise, she let INS (or whatever the xenophobic Gestapo (not gazpacho, Marj) is called these days) do the heavy lifting for her.