Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge, I'm trying not to lose my head

By Anonymous - 08/07/2021 21:01 - United States - San Marcos

Today, and since I found out that I'm pregnant, I've been sober. I used to smoke weed to help with me depression and anxiety, but now I can't even take prescription medicine for it. I'm about to throw hands at this point. FML
I agree, your life sucks 906
You deserved it 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

There are plenty of anxiety and depression medications you can take while you're pregnant... All you need to do is talk to your doctor

Suaria 38

There are safe medications for people who are pregnant as long as you talk with your doctor about it


Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

There are plenty of anxiety and depression medications you can take while you're pregnant... All you need to do is talk to your doctor

Suaria 38

There are safe medications for people who are pregnant as long as you talk with your doctor about it

I've know my wife smoked it until delivery and the doctor knew then the wife quit 10yrs later. Daughter is gifted, so I figure it didn't do any damage. She just never did a wake & bake.

Queen_of_da_jins 3

I felt all of this I recently got told I have BPD , PTSD and severe anxiety I haven't smoked weed since May I'm ready punch everyone due to people thinking I'm exaggerating my mental health but these hands they can catch with the quickness lol ...but also start going to therapy to talk about it that's what's been helping me while I wait for my meds