
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was working at Starbucks, a customer dumped a hot chocolate on me and yelled, saying it wasn't his order. The order actually belonged to a 4-year-old boy with the same name, who started screaming when he didn't get his chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 342
You deserved it 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure that, working or not, what that guy did was assault and thus illegal. I suggest looking into it, especially since he could have seriously hurt you or anyone else he got it on.

You should have ratted out the customer to the boy. "That bad man stole your chocolate -- go punch him in the balls!"


What the flying **** is wrong with some people? I swear.

Screw the job. The patron would have eaten a scone rectally

I hope you called the cops on the hot chocolate thrower. That is illegal and you do not need to tolerate that.

lukcy_basartd 11

******* assholes, so sorry that happened to you OP hope you didn't get any major burns. Do the community a favor, press charges. I'm sure a security cam caught the whole thing.

jcash52426 5

Starbucks can become busy and sometimes mistakes are made. But his response should have been is this (whatever he ordered). And the barista would have said no this is that young man hot chocolate, your drink is coming up. People need to communicate better

I knew this was USA before even looking at the location. There's (probably) nowhere else in the world where people disrespect waiting staff so much.

Where was the boy's parents? Surely they would have realized another person had their son's chocolate. But still, it's an honest mistake. The guy way overreacted.

tpitaro 7

ok, i understand all you starbuck employees had to go through some sensitivity training and all, but when a customer assaults you, its ok to call a cop.

wrecklesswfire 2

this one makes me angry. like wtf to that customer?!

d j mom 5

if he wasn't banned he should be. your allowed to do that in cases of assault. you can even call the cops on him. I'm sure there's video.