
By Andre - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I had a mumbled conversation with myself in a supermarket aisle about whether or not to buy a bottle of bourbon. Nothing screams "pathetic loser" like an alcoholic in denial having a debate with himself out loud near strangers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 146
You deserved it 32 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, acknowledging you have a problem is the first step..

FunnyGuy5051 7

I think they thought you were more drunk than pathetic


at least you weren't having a conversation with the bottle "hello little friend!"

At least you're not in denial anymore. :D

Geesh, all you idiots saying that admitting you have a problem is the first step.... EVERYBODY knows that drinking so much it BECOMES a problem is the FIRST STEP!!

sux_to_be_you 0

u need the 12 step program homey

not that odd really look around at a fair amount of people most do it without realizing it and unless your getting a bottle every day your most likely not an alcoholic

omg! I'm so sorry! nobody deserves to be an alcoholic.

then you go write about it to another hundred on fml "ok"

At least they know you are trying to change! I bet some people probably secretly congratulated you for being strong.

Wadlaen 23

Admitting this shows that you've come longer than most alcoholics, step two is to win over the addiction.