
By bleh - 23/11/2009 22:29 - United States

Today, my fiancé and I were fooling around when his foreskin ripped and bled all over the place. After a trip to the emergency room, the doctor told us no sex for six weeks to let it heal. We're getting married and going on our honeymoon in two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 479
You deserved it 6 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DirtyDiana_fml 0

YDI. You scraped his man meat with your teeth. SMFH


soad_fml 0

nat365 quit using google an find real facts from educated doctors

Hope he's good with his fingers and tongue ;)

mbaim7 4

I bet you made a few Rabbis proud.

mbaim7 4

How many licks does it take to get to the center? Anal takes more preperation. Sand doesn't make good lube. I guess you and Loraina Bobett have something in common.

Meh, you two aready had quite enough sex from the sound of things... Why are you so upset about your honeymoon?

tony8pie 0

Diagnosis: Phimosis Treatment: Circumcision Problem solved!

JorgeM 0

Only if you're a barbarian. Phimosis is better treated with stretching exercises and steroid creams. Of course, that's not a good money maker for a for-profit American doctor, so they don't like that method.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Diagnosis: Headache Treatment: Decapitation Problem solved!

a192837465 0
a192837465 0
SupaSwaggin 0