Bad timing

By kellym - 22/04/2009 03:24 - Canada

Today, I called my husband and he told me that he was going to invite his friend Jeff over that night. I told him I would prefer that he didn't come over. He took it to mean that I wanted to spend time with him and came home with flowers. Then had to tell him I was leaving him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 621
You deserved it 158 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FHL indeed. hate to tell you this, but the world does NOT revolve around you. and from the sound of it, you leaving him is the best thing you can do for him :P


ohhhhshizzz 0

How do you know SHE is a bitch, maybe they just aren't in love anymore. Or maybe he cheated, or hey what about he is actually a douche bag to her? Omfg, never thought about the possibilities huh? You guys justs like to hate people. STFU. FYL/FHL.

Loe_307 0

Sounds like you had a good guy. You suck.

#22 umm..the guy brought flowers home. im pretty sure that's an indication of a positive gesture.

#18 has this one right. Even if you feel bad for dumping someone that's not a FML. Getting dumped after spending $50 on your wife for flowers, that's a FML.

*on flowers for your wife, surely? Each to their own, I guess.

Well you can tell who all the manic feminists are on this website.

ohhhhshizzz 0

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You're really mean. And if you're riding on the "pity me" train, you're not getting any. So you shouldn't even be posting here.

Faced159 0

You're such a filthy bitch. Seriously? Boohoo for you, you had to crush someone. **** you.

ditlihi 0

how did that f YOUR life really? i dont understand how ANYONE is supposed to feel bad for you.

She's not saying that her husband's life isn't ******, but now an uncomfortable situation has become more tense. She hasn't done anything wrong.