Bad timing

By kellym - 22/04/2009 03:24 - Canada

Today, I called my husband and he told me that he was going to invite his friend Jeff over that night. I told him I would prefer that he didn't come over. He took it to mean that I wanted to spend time with him and came home with flowers. Then had to tell him I was leaving him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 621
You deserved it 158 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FHL indeed. hate to tell you this, but the world does NOT revolve around you. and from the sound of it, you leaving him is the best thing you can do for him :P


snoopy24_fml 0

I found this in the moderate fml's section. I don't know whether it's fake...but it's an interesting follow-up: my wife called me and I told her I was inviting my friend Jeff over to play poker. She told me she wasn't okay with him coming. I thought this meant that she wanted some alone time with me, and so I bought her flowers. The ***** is leaving me.

snoopy24_fml 0

sorry if this posts twice, everyone, but my computer is giving me problems. i found this in the moderate fml's section, i don't know whether it's a fake; but either way, it's an interesting follow up to the story... my wife called me and I told her I was inviting my friend Jeff over to play poker. She told me she wasn't okay with him coming. I thought this meant that she wanted some alone time with me, and so I bought her flowers. The ***** is leaving me.

you seem to have a pretty good husband...why were you leaving him again?

People need to shut up calling her a bitch... you don't even know the full situation so what if he bought her flowers? it might be because he cheated on her, or he is an asshole to her and is making up for it. Even if he isn't, it's still a matter of the relationship working out or not. Just because he got her flowers doesn't mean the relationship was perfect, which is obviously why it ended... F her life because she had to dump him after he brings her lovely flowers F his life because he got dumped after buying her flowers. Oh and the reverse FML of you pretending to be the husband isn't funny. She could have given him a hint on the phone though, like 'we need to talk' or something, he might have expected it then and not got you anything so you wouldn't feel bad. Also, I'm sure she would have typed out WHY she wanted to end the relationship with him if there was enough room for it all. You people are ******* pathetic the judging here is a joke. #17, you're a god damn ignorant PRICK. #39, how do you know she didn't love him when she married him? Love does die off in some relationships after the marriage. This really makes me think how much people will hate a woman for breaking up with her husband, even though they don't know anything about their lives.

sportsy 7

Did u not read the post -.- he thought he was spending time with her know what ur talking about before u say it cuz now u look like the bitch

dylandtl 0

i need to buy that man a beer.

That poor poor guy, and that sucks for you too. Some people need to get a life instead of hating on someone's FML post, that's just childish :)

I'm not really sure who to feel sorry for. If he was a total abusive jerk, then I guess that's understandable, but I don't know any back story, so I really can't feel one way or the other.

#47, yes, people change, but marriage means agreeing to still be with that person when they change. Otherwise it would be another form of dating, and who wants that? If you're not willing to put up with change and stay with the change, don't get married. A few people have responded to #49 by saying that flowers doesn't equal thoughtful, but you're ignoring what else was said: that he was also considerate in asking if Jeff could come over. I don't think we're being mean when we say she deserved it. I myself am a person who frustrates his friends because I always give people the benefit of a doubt. I'm giving the OP one, too, but I'm also saying that the chances of her being 100% justified in her actions is very small. Even if the OP deserves it, I don't think she's necessarily a bitch. Calling her a bitch is TOO far. But she really should have discussed things first before ending it. #57, all of the possibilities that you mentioned were, just like the rest of us who side with the husband or against the wife, based on assumptions. You assumed that whatever caused the divorce was the husband's fault. Cheated on, abused, ignored, unloved, all of those things you attributed to the fault of the man. It's very possible, as I mentioned earlier, that she was cheating on him and wanted to divorce him so she could feel better about it. Or she simply doesn't like him and wants to be alone again (but still not a good reason for divorce). Granted, if he really was being a jerk, then maybe he deserved it too, but really can't know the answer to that. And #85, I agree.

I'm not really surprised at this response. This website is full of whiny virgins. Sometimes Marriages don't work. Sometimes you fall out of love with someone. Just because he brought her flowers doesn't mean she didn't have legitimate reasons for leaving him. The flowers just made it that much difficult.