Young at heart

By Anonymous - 14/10/2022 12:00

Today, I found out when meeting her that my uncle has a girlfriend who is half his age. She's worse than a toddler; she started begging and crying for chocolate in the middle of a car ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 881
You deserved it 76

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the mommy/daddy thing is annoying to be around, but as long as they are both legal, consenting adults let them do their thing. and if the childish part gets to annoying, just put them on time out...


xxWTFxx1981 23

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Hopefully he's over 30. How is she supposed to work out her daddy issues if your uncle won't give her what her first father deprived her of?

the mommy/daddy thing is annoying to be around, but as long as they are both legal, consenting adults let them do their thing. and if the childish part gets to annoying, just put them on time out...

Half his age, but still an adult, right? So it could be as well code words for sex, lolly pop meaning oral and chocolate meaning anal.