You tried

By Anonymous - 09/12/2011 07:56 - Australia

Today, I was set up on a blind date. When I arrived, the person waiting for me was a woman. It appears that my friends have always thought I was a lesbian, and that they 'played along' when I talked about guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 310
You deserved it 3 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jpoole 4

How's pretty cruel that that is the way they decided to tell you...


Poetaster 10

Ever switch hit? That would confuse them...

Llamacod 11

So... Tell us, how did the date go? Did you gals hit it off ?

ellakacyme22 6

Some friends they turn out to be why would they just play along when you talk about men, unless you haven't been friends for long so in that case they don't know you very well.

That didn't make any sense at all. Maybe if I read it through a few more times I'd understand it, but I really shouldn't have to.

BigSlingin 0

I feel bad for the other woman more than you. Hopefully you didn't make a big scene and embarrass her. Maybe you had a good evening together as friends, not like lesbians sleep with every female they meet.

Well said. Those were my exact thoughts upon reading this FML. OP, your friends were insensitive towards you and downright mean towards this other girl.


youre friends must really no u well

Your friends should communicate a little more with you... Instead of just playing along.

So.. How did the date go? ** edit: damn someone beat me to it. -.-"

tehrealone 6

Well yeah, to many :3 :) (: XD :p. -(0.0)- < don't do that or say "lol" out loud and you might be good