Where are you?

By Anonymous - 14/04/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom

Today, it's been three weeks since my parents went on holiday and not only have they not called me, they don’t answer when I call them… until today, when my mom finally called me, whilst I was having sex. She then sent me a text outlining how rude it was I ignored her call and grounded me. I’m 24 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 439
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martinb809244 1

time for boundaries. no I will not only be there for you when you need something we either have a relationship or we can walk away. does it hurt? hell yes I had to do this to my family. moved 2500 miles away and don’t go back. but I thought I was mentally ****** up no just used and abused. my family has a policy of we take care of each other period. we don’t use and I will call them out. it sucks but you have to be strong.


martinb809244 1

time for boundaries. no I will not only be there for you when you need something we either have a relationship or we can walk away. does it hurt? hell yes I had to do this to my family. moved 2500 miles away and don’t go back. but I thought I was mentally ****** up no just used and abused. my family has a policy of we take care of each other period. we don’t use and I will call them out. it sucks but you have to be strong.