What's your morning routine?

By Oliveisthenewora - 05/04/2016 05:55 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I tried a DIY face mask that involved using turmeric spice. After keeping it on for 20 minutes, I tried washing it off, but I couldn't get rid of the orange residue it had left behind. Guess who's going to work tomorrow looking like an Oompa Loompa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 246
You deserved it 7 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oy, that's rough. At least you look like a hard worker?


Oy, that's rough. At least you look like a hard worker?

How 6? How does one possibly read that in a Chinese accent?

#9 imagine someone saying the words in a Chinese accent. Thats pretty much it.

Are you short, OP? That would be the icing on the cake. Lol Chin up, Sugar. It'll wash off. :)

Oh my 'Lanta! Lol Aww, hope you had great day, OP. :)

Maybe you did something wrong? Did you follow the instructions? Because thats defenetly not normal

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Tumeric stains. It is normal.

This is why you always test new products somewhere it won't be obvious if something goes wrong. But hey, at least you can crack some jokes out of this time!

Really? Putting tumeric spice on your hand for 20 minutes? I dunno, I feel like if you're buying a face mask in a proper place, you're kind of expecting it to just work, and while it could be good to test it, I highly doubt most people would have in OP's case..

Yes really, OP should have tested it because OP made it DIY and didn't buy it. A purchased mask would not have used spices known to cause staining but instead it would have used organics in a dry emulsion that's coating the fabric. Those don't stain and have been sterilized. He chose to used a bad idea in a DIY mask and gets dyed orange for his trouble.

That's true, but some people should still test bought ones also. It's not necessary because of what they put in it but just what your skin likes/doesn't like. I've had an allergic reaction to one from a store causing a red rash on my face, which made me look sunburnt in the middle of winter.

Shay_Shay97 23

Why would you try something like that without looking up any potential side effects? And why do it right before you go to work? YDI

SilverInGray 25

Well maybe the first part applies (you should test stuff on something that's not your face for sure, though most people don't) but they didn't do it "right before work", they did it the night before work. Most people work a majority of the time, and it would be unrealistic to wait til you had a vacation to do something like try a new face mask.

Use baby oil! It gets nearly everything off

andrmac 25

I agree with the baby oil and cold cream... If not something that has a bleaching effect like a benzoyl peroxide wash might help or that hair bleach Jolen or that Sally Hanson makes all are safe for skin.

ALittleFreak 15

At least its a funny story, your coworkers will probably laugh and make it a joke for awhile (hopefully a good natured one) and before long either you or one of them will do something else stupid enough to overshadow this and become the new joke. Such is life. Just go with it OP :) As far as FML moments go this one is more funny than ******.