Waste of a phone call

By amIworthIt? - 30/06/2021 22:01 - United States - Ashburn

Today, I called the suicide hotline after two months of recurring thoughts. I got put on hold by their machine, then was on call with someone who barely spoke English, got transferred to another building, so I was put on hold again, and finally got hung up on. I was already feeling pretty worthless, so thanks guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 346
You deserved it 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey. I barely speak English but if you want to reach somebody,anybody,I can be there. I am NOT scam.. just feel for you. and you deserve the attention you need. you are brave to have tried to reach help. do not give up. life.worth.it.

you are worth it to the world. I know it's a damned hard struggle right now, but I believe in you to survive. I read something inspirational to me once and it kept me going...I'll try to paraphrase, " If my mind thinks I'm so weak it should come do the job itself, cause I'm going to fight you for it, and I'll win!"


hey. I barely speak English but if you want to reach somebody,anybody,I can be there. I am NOT scam.. just feel for you. and you deserve the attention you need. you are brave to have tried to reach help. do not give up. life.worth.it.

you are worth it to the world. I know it's a damned hard struggle right now, but I believe in you to survive. I read something inspirational to me once and it kept me going...I'll try to paraphrase, " If my mind thinks I'm so weak it should come do the job itself, cause I'm going to fight you for it, and I'll win!"

You are worth it op please give us a update that u are fine .

lebmob 1

Here if you need to talk. Seriously.

I’m here if you want to talk with someone.

dreamwishlove 11

I'm here for you, whenever you need to talk or just cry or vent or scream or anything. Please reach out whenever.

You followed the right course of action. You got an FML published and you have better than a 9:1 ratio, so you are clearly not worthless. Also you got lots of support in the comments, and I'll even indoctrinate you into my nascent cult!

Please go to the ER. They have resources to help you and can transfer you to a hospital specializing in mental health problems--they're perfectly nice, friendly places that will help you get better, even if you will be a little bored the first few days while you get transferred to the right part. (The one I was in had a PBS station full of craft stuff and Food Network, so that at least kept me entertained.) But seriously--ER time.