Waitressing blues

By left out - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Spencer

Today, I sang "Happy Birthday" to my best friend. Sadly, it was while waitressing at work, where they were having a celebration I hadn't been invited to in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 589
You deserved it 4 272

Top comments

I'm not sure you're really best friends...


I'm not sure you're really best friends...

HowAreYouToday 34

no, op *clearly* said best friend. learn to read lmao.

#10 please be sarcasm, please be sarcasm.

Wizardo 33

#12 The community hoped that #10 was using sarcasm, the use of asterisks and the acronym 'lmao' determined that to be a lie.

HowAreYouToday 34

actually that was sarcasm. petition to make a new symbol to place around text to make it seem sarcastic

It wouldn't have mattered anyway because OP had to work maybe her friends knew that

#10 were you force fed a bottle of stupid juice?

There is one. It's called a sarcmark, but it's copyrighted by the guy who invented it so you have to buy it in order to use it.

Doesn't #10 have to be stupid somewhere else?

Lichinamo 33

#71, I think you can use copyrighted/trademarked material without paying as long as you're not saying that you created it/you're not getting money off of it. Not too sure though. O.o

if they knew OP was working then OP wouldn't have made this post

incoherentrmblr 21

#39, that's what my icon, the backwards question mark aka snark, stands for...

SailorSolaris 43

As long as you disclaimer it and don't take any money for it, yes, it's legal.

I feel like they would be able to see the spit if it was frosted ...

crackz12 10

What if her friend went there for dinner because she knew OP was working that shift and couldn't go out? What's the chances she tried to ditch her best friend and showed up at her job for dinner? And only to be met with hostility and a spit on cake. tisk tisk whos the bad friend here

I was thinking the same thing, 94. I'm a server and our hours often seem odd and erratic to people with "regular" jobs. Weekends are meaningless to us, we can't take off. Still love my job. :) Every night when I get off can be Saturday!

^Nice use of a comment. Maybe they didn't invite you because you were working..?

You might not be her best friend... Sorry that sucks

If they were best friends wouldn't they know OP worked there?

I'm thinking perhaps they didn't invite him/her because they knew OP had to work, but figured they could go to the restaurant where OP works so he/she could still be present..

perdix 29

Does she even know your name?

perdix 29

#65, you do realize that at finer dining establishments, they don't use name tags?

Yeah. What's the point of a name tag if the waiter/waitress says, "Hello, my name is _____, and I'll be serving you today."

It is part of our spec at the Italian joint I work at to NOT say your name unless asked.

Maybe she wanted to do something special with her "best" friend later one :/

rockne93 17

Maybe she knew you were working and that's why she had her birthday there?

If that was the case, it'd still be really weird not to get an invite and be in on the idea of having the party at her work. Sounds like a bad friend, in my opinion.

rockne93 17

No matter which way you spin it, it all sounds bad. F her life, right? Lol

please don't tell me that was you actually trying

#9 should be a comedian, I'm in stitches.

Holy Jesus, that was quite literally the funniest attempt at being funny I have ever seen! Man... It takes a special kind of stupid to fail that hard

Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday you jerkkk Happy birthday to you!