Trust issues

By baby.momma2 - 18/03/2021 14:01

Today, I found out that while I was pregnant, my boyfriend asked at least one other woman for nudes. He claims it was a drunk mistake and wants to "keep his little family together." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 125
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

The “mistake” is that he got caught

tounces7 27

He will never, ever change. He will only get better at hiding it.


ojoRojo 27

The “mistake” is that he got caught

He just wanted to look at a sexy female body while you got fat. I'm sure that when you drop the baby weight, he'll be back to normal.

baby.momma2 10

ouch. it was before I gained weight, my family still didn't even know I was pregnant. annd the other girl was fat

If you really want it then you would have put a ring on it. Not saying you should, just that you shouldn't be surprised.

tounces7 27

He will never, ever change. He will only get better at hiding it.