Trick question

By Anonymous - 03/02/2013 21:57 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend asked me if she looked fat in her new pair of jeans. Knowing I was probably about two seconds away from all hell breaking loose, I instinctively tried to save my game, before remembering I wasn't playing a video game. I really need to get a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 592
You deserved it 33 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a girlfriend, AND you are an avid gamer?! How in the hell? Teach us your ways!!


You should have said "It's not the jeans that make you look fat".

chrisp87 11

Wow, you really need to get out more it's bad how much control video games have. Toy definitely need to get a life or at least find a hobby and I'm not talking about building up your gamer score on Xbox.

If they actually do make her look fat - then you have a problem. But if they don't - just say "of course they don't - you look great Honey!"

I'll never understand the whole "Do I look fat?" "No" "ZOMG you're lying!!!! :'(" thing. What? I mean... I understand that you might want to make sure whatever you're wearing is actually flattering, and the best way to do that is to get a second opinion. But if you're going to be a dick when the guy says "Yeah, it's not very flattering" or "No you look great", why even ask? That just sounds like a blatant attempt to pick a fight... stupid. I can't blame you for panicking if your girlfriend's that kind of person, OP. Try saving BEFORE the battle next time though.. I've never found a game that lets you save right before the dragon starts breathing fire ;)

Maybe she was just trying to get you to pay attention to her as opposed to your videogames. YDI.

I hate it when girls ask that question unless they want an honest answer. I ask my husband because I genuinely want him to tell me if the jeans make me look fat so I can go up a size or change style. I would never be mad if he was honest

No need to save. Just say no. Mission accomplished, achievement unlocked.

Kimberly_Isabel 7

There are no saves or continues in life. But there are retries.

You should get a ******* life. You idiot. Although I'm not talking about the video games- I'm talking about you being a douchebag.