By fail - 19/11/2009 06:10 - Australia

Today, whilst singing at school in front of 300 visiting primary school children I forgot the second verse to my song and let out an F*** word with the microphone still up to my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 366
You deserved it 39 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bah, those children will learn that word sooner or later anyway. This FML is a funny one unlike virtually every other one. FYL and I hope you won't get any lawsuits from kids' parents :)

yes, because a word can totally **** up peoples lives


Primary like 5th or primary oike 1st. Besides alot of the younger people are corrupted as i would call them. I know a few 7 year olds that every other word they say is considered a bad word in this society

loveyahun 0

OMG! That reminds me of something that Sarah Silverman would do! xD

You should only use "whilst" if the next word begins with a vowel. Don't try to be smart unless you are willing to fail this hard again.

This reminds me of the song Good Riddance by Green Day... if you listen closely at the beginning you hear the guy mess up twice, then he whispers "****" and then he start playing.

That sounds a lot like what happened in an eposoid of desperate housewives...

YOU SAID A ******* CURSE WORD!? WATCH YOUR ******* LANGUAGE! [/sarcasm]

zgirl3229 0

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA xD I actually laughed out loud lol

suckstosuck84 0

yea, if your talkin about ops way of wording. an Fu*k word? fu*k is one word. and An is for words with a vowel at the begining.