By starrybrooke - 06/04/2009 08:40 - United States

Today, while working the dinner rush at my job, every single computer, credit card machine, and printer froze for an hour and a half. The reason behind this issue was a large wire ripped from the mainframe, the same wire I tripped over 20 seconds before while my boss watched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 598
You deserved it 9 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vt_mruhlin 0

Clearly the wire posed a safety hazard. You should sue your boss.

Inspired22 11

Why is it out in the open where people can trip on it? Especially at a restaurant, because there is so much traffic! That is not your fault at all!


so by your mark any computer could be considered a mainframe? that doesn't... sound right.

MCart_fml 0

Safety hazard indeed. If it's not taped down or clearly marked as a tripping hazard it's the management's fault.

Health and Safety Fail. Report them for unsafe working environments.

thats their fault, wires shouldnt be out where people can trip over them

Yeah, that wire shouldn't have been out where it was possible to trip on it

Are you sure you don't mean your ex-boss?

Working in IT (well, sort of...), I can say that whoever installed that system should have their nuts handed to them... Like someone else said; a "wire" that can cause a single-point failure with no backup, and it's "sitting out on the floor"? STUPID install... And yeah.. I've been there... (sorta). I was pulling out old redundant coaxial cable from an old "Cat-2" network.. and accidentally cut the brand new fiber optic cable that fed the whole building. Ooops. Guess I should have specified a DIFFERENT wire color from the old wire, huh? One grey wire looks like the next when you're in a dimly lit attic.