By Anonymous - 29/05/2012 18:43 - United States - Springfield

Today, while taking part in a lifeguarding exercise, I was supposed to "drown" to get another guard to save me. After all was done, my boss called me into his office and screamed at me for "drowning the wrong way," and threatening our reputation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 360
You deserved it 2 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A) inhale huge amounts of water B) sink

TarieBoo 2

did you start drowning before you got in the water? i didnt know there was a 'wrong' way


Wow one time i joined a game sesion on a video game titled: 2vs2 NOOB only. They kicked me out for being "too nooby"

winnerme123 8

What does this have to do with the FML? And you must be a true noob.

Drowning people don't kick! Kicking is learned and they forget in a panic situation! Flailing arms and huge eyes however are automatic! I may be a dick but in order to be a lifeguard you must know what a drowning victim looks like it is life guarding 101!

unknown_user5566 26

OP didn't say s/he didn't know how to identify someone who was actually drowning, OP stated that s/he couldn't demonstrate a drowning properly.

Someone needs drowning lessons from my chemical romance ;D XD.

So... drowning the right way would have made the lifeguards look good?

So apparently there's a wrong way to drown?

One does not simply drown the wrong way..

I didn't realise there was a correct way to drown.

GuyFluteBandGeek 0