By smurfpoo - 09/08/2011 07:35 - Canada

Today, while cleaning the bathroom in a suite at the hotel I work at, I heard a couple come in, and then a marriage proposal. She said no, that she had been seeing someone else and left the room. I was then alone in the bathroom, listening to a grown man sob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 263
You deserved it 4 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you walk upto him and say: Yes, oh dear god yes! /hold out your hand

Just leave the room and move on. You were doing your job and have to continue doing your job


-29 either is fine as long as she's bending over. Unless she happens to be the rare elusive tranny. But that's another story my dear boy.

Proposal in a bathroom? That's worse than that fml about that proposal in a McDonalds haha. But still fyl.

Vasin_fml 15

Hotel room, not inside the restroom, that's where OP was.

Totally sucks all the way around. Sucks for the guy being strung along like that. Sucks for the OP to be stuck there in the bathroom listening to that tragedy unfold. I'd have offered to take the guy out for a drink.

Oh I didn't read it through. I feel dumb. Oh well.

What a bitch, that's sad and mean-spirited.

madibrielle212 0

Poor guy!): that's horrible!):

if you think about it, it's just another chapter in his life waiting to be open. With OP, of course.

danz123 7

How can you keep the stereotype of 'guys shouldn't cry,' when a man finds out his girlfriend has both REJECTED him and was CHEATING on him at the same time? Now you have the nerve to act like this is your fml and bitch about it? What has society come to.

69 - its kinda like when emo's cut themselves.... i feel pleasure when i cry, maybe thats just me :/