By Anonymous - 23/05/2010 23:00 - Canada

Today, was parent appreciation day at my daughter's KG class. On the stage, each child was asked to define each parent in one word. When it was my daughter's turn, she looked at me hard, thinking. Finally, in the end she said, "My daddy is very fat." Everybody stared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 087
You deserved it 7 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You also seem too fat to be described in just one word.

*shoots the child* WE SAID ONE WORD D:


that freaaken funny Kkids these days XD but kids speak their mind gotta love kids XD

300 spartans waiting to ambush the persians? this is sparta?

300 spartans waiting to ambush the persians? this is sparta?

EPIC WIN for your daughter. Fail on your behalf.

fuckedlife10 0

ah hahahahah sorry but kids never lie

cactus_fml 0
tchaikovsky93 0

HAHAHAHAHA! I laughed out loud :D

Obvs it is not very hard to find the fattest parent in the auditorium. it's like Where's Waldo made easy.

ArielTheMermaid 17