By ants9omarching - 10/03/2011 01:48 - United States

Today, the seat in my car broke and wouldn't move forward. I had to walk to school in the rain because I was too short to reach the pedals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 561
You deserved it 5 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can't you just scoot forward and not lean back?

What a cute lil' munchkin you must be. :-)


I don't know how to say this, oh yes I do. you're an idiot. put a pillow behind your back, 2 if u have too

kayPandastyle 15

I know tht feeling lol that sycks..sounds like something tht would happen to me

alexavb15 4

Put Some Books,? All Mexicans Do It ;P

TaTaTanyaHo 5

I've never heard of any Mexican doing that

ZeldaPinwheel 1

I drove an old car for 3 months with a box of laundry soap behind me in the seat so I could reach the pedals.

Stop letting tall people drive your car. My handle is broke that lets the back up and it is HELL trying to move the seat in the place that I am most comfortable. My brother used to move my seat back all tha damn time so now no one is allowed to get in on that side at all

flipcrazy 0

It's just water, and it's only for a day or two, just get it fixed.

lulu121893 0

hahahahaha reminds me of my grandma. your prolly really close to the steering wheel when you drive.

im short too so I have to push seat up all the way as well so I feel ur pain