By n1a1t1h1a1n1 - 11/12/2012 07:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, on the bus, when I was asking my 6-year-old son what he wanted for Christmas, a stranger came up to us and yelled at him about how Santa Claus is not real, that his "parents are fucking liars" and that he should "never listen to anything one of those fuckers says." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 504
You deserved it 3 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Corrupt_waffles 13

That is just awful!!! Of course I don't belive in him cause I'm a Jew but let the kid have his childhood! He will find out sooner or later.


Corrupt_waffles 13

That is just awful!!! Of course I don't belive in him cause I'm a Jew but let the kid have his childhood! He will find out sooner or later.

I agree! This man truly sounds like a real-life grinch. I would even go as far as calling him scrooge.

I never believed in Santa. Coz no one believes in Santa here in Singapore....

I didn't believe in Santa cause I grew up in the ghetto. My parents told me when I was younger that if anyone comes in our house late at night it's cause they wanted weed. They also said, the old fat white man was probably a Jehovah's Witness.

33- I agree. Someone must have pissed in his cornflakes. 53- lol

34 - As if Singapore ever snows, or have chimneys, or even really celebrates it like they do back in America. I know, coz I'm stuck in "summerland" forever.

Octain 13

Umm.. Hi?? Don'tcha know? That's not how you start a conversation here on FML! It requires something witty to be said, in hopes someone equally as witty will come along, or some stupid person to come tell you off. Yep.

Chase the ****** down and have a little father-son beat down.

tjv3 10

Tell him that the man on the bus was a grinch and trying to steal his Christmas

DeadxManxWalking 27

Well all you did was ask what he wanted. Didn't say anything about Santa Claus.

Corrupt_waffles 13

It's also annoying when people think you want to hear their opinion. :/ The guy could have just sat there and went, "Stupid santa bull..." under his breath. But no. Some people think they need to share their every waking thought with everyone.

This is what happens when you take the bus. Crazy people shout and ruin kids beliefs.

Corrupt_waffles 13

The bus breaks my spirit every time I get on it. I have to take it to college every day and it turns a normally 30 minute drive into an excruciatingly painful 2 and a half hours of torture.

2.5 hours? Why not just drive the 30 mins??? I wouldn't waste 2.5 hours of my time on a bus.

Corrupt_waffles 13

I don't have a car. ;_; or a license. I have a permit but I can never get anyone to teach me. It sucks really bad. Trust me if there was an alternative I would take it. But there isn't.

Ahh that sucks then. That's too bad. So you must have gotten your permit late then, being in college. But 2.5 hours. Maybe live on campus? I couldn't do that personally. My time is too valuable and I like sleeping in.

Corrupt_waffles 13

I'm going to community college cause I'm too broke to go to university for the full 4 years. So I'm getting general Ed done first. It sucks cause my class is early so I have to get up at 5 just so I can barley make it on time. I hate the bus. I despise it with every fiber in my being.

That would make me tie someone up and force them to willingly teach me how to drive. Based on your use of "university"--I'm assuming you are in Europe somewhere. They must have different rules. I applaud you though for continuing on with your studies even though you are facing adversity!

RedPillSucks 31

@onlychildFTW, you do realize that not everyone is privileged enough to own a car, even a beater.

SApprentice 34

60- We say university in the US, too. A university is just a larger and more extensive college, with more detailed and specific classes than those offered by the community colleges. It's usually a good idea to take the first two years at community for the general education requirements and then transfer over. Also, it's a lot harder to make someone teach you how to drive than it sounds. My fiancé was kicked out by his parents at the age of sixteen and became homeless for a year after high school graduation. He had no friends or family to teach him, so we're working on it now, but until I turn twenty-one here in a little while there's really no one available to teach him. There's a learner's permit, but no way to practice for a license.

Just tell your bf to play some grand theft auto. It's totally realistic. And he might even pick up other life skills like beating up hookers for their cash. :)

eatmyshortssss1 8

A university offers graduate degrees along with undergraduate degrees. A college is just for undergrad.

TallMist 32

#60 Forcing someone to do something willingly? Do explain how that being forced to do something is doing it willingly?

He's probably miserable and just wants to take it out on a poor kid who can't fight back.

81 is right. Go buy a car, but not a crappy car (like a Honda), it might break down and you will be back on the bus. Buy a brand new Rolls or Maybach. *sarcasm*

If we were on a bus and you said Honda's were crap I'd yell at you too.

I just bought a Honda, and I'm little offended.

That guy obviously never got anything but coal in his stocking.

Inheritance 10

He's getting a good swift kick to the ass this Christmas.

Well someone's getting coal for Christmas this year....

Did he ask you for your spare change after the rant?

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insane or not why ruin a kids Christmas spirit? also, as someone mentioned above, Santa wasn't mentioned.

Christmas songs are nice!! but not the techno remixes though..

I personally ******* love Christmas and everything it entails.

Times like this are when I wish there was a sarcasm font.

KiddNYC1O 20

Your original comment came off pretty serious to me. No sarcasm detected.

Sinamoi 18

Sounds like this guy has unresolved issues with his own parents.

OBJECTION! Such unfounded opinions are not allowed in court!

TwiztedYuri 9

Objection overruled due to because Bacon

Sounds like this guy didn't have the best childhood.