By yaa - 26/05/2009 22:35 - Canada

Today, on my way out of the subway station, I noticed an older woman standing at the bottom of a flight of stairs with a large cart. I went up to her and asked if she needed help getting it up the stairs. She looks me up and down and says, "No, not from you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 071
You deserved it 4 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pounce 0

She may have meant it like you were thin/looked frail. I don't think she was personally insulting you. It was still nice of you to offer though!

Snodes 0

maybe the old lady wanted a strong guy to help her up


That was harsh, she should be greatful and accept help when offered- she is the embassador of shallow

Maybe you shouldn't be creeping on old ladies. Either put your pants back on, or like 62 said, be less ethnic. Or tell her to **** off and that she'll be dead soon.

This is why I'm never nice to old people. They're all narcissistic assholes that think they are entitles to anything they want just cuz their old. Well ok, not ALL of them. But most, and all of the ones that i've come across.

glad you didn't decide to be mean to her though...the old hag might've placed a curse on you.....old people...jeez!

katherinebby17 28

i think some of these fml's should have pictures included

Are you not white? I don't mean to be racist, but if she was an old woman she might've been meaning that.

well you gotta be a tough old lady to go in the subway alone.

this one NEEDS to be illustrated next Sunday! haha

Maybe she was just crazy and thought you were one of THEM.