By drastech99 - 23/09/2011 06:22 - United States

Today, my wife got so upset I didn't hold her while Snooki from Jersey Shore was crying, that after the episode was done she locked herself in our room crying. Now I have to sleep on the floor of my living room. Thanks Snooki. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 743
You deserved it 8 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Snooki: Worsening the life of one person everyday.


Ehhh i watched that episode last night!!! AMAZING!!!

Oh my god. I agreed with the guy above me. I even read your profile. It would make a grammer nazi commit suicide.

Now that I've calmed down and my slit wrists have stopped bleeding, let's point out an obvious contradiction. This girl writes that she is 18, yet with the simple math on her own profile, one finds out that 'she is 17.' Wait - there's more! She also looks like a twelve year old in her picture. And faking an age (failing at it, I might add) seems like a very twelve year old thing to do.

Raydoodles 4

#105 reset the passwordfor my 6 month old account and logged in, just to vote your comment up.

Brooding99 15

Marrying a person that watches that show, means ydi PO. And your wife needs to wake up to the real world (and not the other reality tv show!).

Are you actually trying to suggest that this guy divorce his wife over this one stupid episode? Simply because she's immature, histrionic, selfish, needy, emotionally stunted... Wait, you may have a point.

Brooding99 15

PS: you could have written "Today, I have to admit my wife watches Jersey Shore, and I do to. FML" and I for one would have voted to have it post.

pgenereux 0

Really? REALLY? That is el lame o! Crying with or over a reality star is unacceptable. Punishing your guy because he didn't hold during the cry fest is, in a word, nonsense. Let him back in and quite being so sensitive.

It's shows like Jersey Shore, the Hills, and Real Housewives that make me slowly lose faith in America. Fyl, man.

Wow OP you're wife is special. I loathe that show and can't wait for the day it stops airing. You're wife needs help. Good luck with your marriage.

izzy7 11

Reasons why I refuse to pay for satellite or cable... Thank you for adding to the list. Smack your wife, tell her to grow up, and be a man and take away the remote! Forever!