By rebekah - 03/04/2009 19:39 - United States

Today, my tampon string was hanging from my bathing suit. My boyfriend thought it was a thread hanging from my bikini bottom. He publicly pulled out my tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 463 293
You deserved it 77 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Cait 0
ohhhhshizzz 0

awuh dude that is freaking messed up, you couldnt tuck it? oh gosh, that mush have been gross and embarrasing. =] pahah, but got me outta my rut.


wowfmlife 0

hahahahahaha! it doesnt get much better than that

im a girl and i always using tampons "hurt like hell" wtf it doesnt hurt to take it out at all he could of just done one quick pull and she'd just feel a tug and i could easily see how swimming around in a pull your string may of like fallen off to the side and op that sucks im sorry

Princess_kiki 0

Well...maybe the girl was a virgin...I'm a virgin and it hurts a lot to put it in and take it out...maybe it doesnt hurt you because you have a mondo -stretch ******(; haha!

They don't hurt to take out normally because they are (gross as it may sound) blood soaked. However imagine something cottony and dry (assuming it was a new tampon) being yanked out. Ouch.

ahah. should've tucked it in. maybe you should get a smarter boyfriend too. ;|

dang. general rule of thumb, don't pull shit that's hanging out of the crotchtastic area, especially when in public.

That's one dumb boyfriend you got there, miss.

annabanana13 0

agree with 30, wtf was he doing in that area? either way, sucks to be you, was anyone watching? awkward.

mayhembaby 0

I read this in Seventeen like 2 years ago.