By Bad parenting101 - 08/01/2017 03:23 - United States - Denver

Today, my son shaved his eyebrows. Two days ago, I caught my 10-year-old daughter watching porn. I'm totally winning at parenting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 846
You deserved it 2 257

Same thing different taste

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Now your daughter is going to tell your son what else needs to be shaved.


Kids do weird things as they have little experience in the world, and it wouldn't be the first time a kid has done either of those things at their ages. Hopefully when they're older it'll all be things you can laugh about with them

Now your daughter is going to tell your son what else needs to be shaved.

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Emiweb 9

<p>'Did she like it?' - you know you sound like a pervert, right?&nbsp;</p>

emiliuxx_demon 2

<p>If your son wants to shave his own eyebrows, oh well. Nows a good time to talk about consequences of actions.</p> <p>Daughter needs sex talk. Lay on the "**** is not real life" heavily &often for the next few months. Bam, done.</p>

Ahh the joys of parenting!! How old is your son OP? Just wait more fun to come.

Riko-Zhang 1

<p>Maybe your daughter will talk with you about sexy plot next week.</p>

Little suspicious that you want to know if a 10 year old likes watching ****.

iamscott 16

You have got one ****** up mind, #4...