By Mojo0608 - 05/03/2014 16:11 - United Kingdom - Twickenham

Today, my mum begged me to let her put fake nails on me to practice for her styling exam. I've been sitting on the toilet for the past half an hour trying to figure out how to wipe without damaging something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 602
You deserved it 6 086

Mojo0608 tells us more.

So I've never really been one for fake nails and I used to play the violin so I kept them as short as possible which is a habit I've kept. They aren't that long really (nowhere near claw length), so when my mum asked I thought it wouldn't be a problem. Um, yeah... No... I'm still on the toilet... Well not really, but I'm going to try getting these off as soon as I can, they're just weird to me. I think my mother will "nail" the exam, thanks for the puns and sympathy! :)

Top comments

Damn. I never understood why women got those kind of nails on purpose anyway.


Ask her to practice removing them now :P

mcrachums 3

but you can figure out how to type to post on twitter?! lol

use dental floss or thread. i was in the same position with the nails my mom practiced on me and i barely even paint my nails lol you just wiggle it under the edge near your cuticle and pull outward, they pop right off.

skipthestorm 3

I think every woman that has had acrylic nails for the first time had the same problem. My friend and boyfriend laughed at me for the first 2 weeks I had them because I was trying to figure out how to do things without hurting myself, damaging the nail, or damaging/hurting whatever I'm trying to do. Now that I'm used to them and get them done regularly, I have no problems doing things. Although I keep them shorter than a lot of women but I just can't grow my real nails. Now without them I have the same problem I had when I first got them. They all take some getting used to and you just have to try things to figure out how to do it without hurting something.

Speaking as someone who had acrylic nails for a few years: Clip the ends off and soak them in acetone. Acetone nail polish remover also works on shellac nail polish, although it takes a bit of scrubbing to get it off.

its ok OP. every girl that has worn nails for the first time had experienced that.