By GonnaBeLonley2night - 13/09/2010 13:24 - United States

Today, my husband won't talk to me because he got mad when I asked him what he thought about 'that lame performance last night'. He doesn't believe that I really was talking about football. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 249
You deserved it 8 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he really believes you're not talking about the football, then either you should reassure him that he does know what he's doing, or take the opportunity to teach him to be better.


Idea: come hom and make sure your husband sees phallic objects arranged in a row, lotion, and ****. You won't be lonely for long. Or he'll just leave. Either way, you ******.

wafflemaster 1
perdix 29

Go 'Skins! Your husband with choose to hold it like Alex Barron, or drop you like Tashard Choice.

I_have_no_clue 0
libertarian 0

she's from Texas I'd assume cowboys fan

I_have_no_clue 0

You can't assume she's a Cowboys fan because she's from Texas. You aren't tied to a specific team just because you live in that state. Besides, it was a joke.

imright24 0

What did you think he would assume you were referring to if you don't say? That's exactly what I thought when I read it. YDI.

libertarian 0

the cowboys started to look energized last minute and that touchdown with 00 left was amazing but that guy definitely held. it was a good call by the referees