By Anonymous - 31/10/2009 20:18 - United States

Today, my good buddy of about two years set me up on a blind date. I got to the meeting point and realized that my date was a guy. My "buddy" honestly thought I was gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 993
You deserved it 4 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha hey when I was moderating it also said "and he was only friends with me because he though we would hook up some time. "


Captain_Falcon 0

Well i'm gonna have to say YDI for taking huge fat penis in the ass. But also FYL for enjoying it.

@sandwichbait: I didn't say looking for a chick, I said showing that he likes women. Which also includes at least once saying how a girl is hot or the like, or something. Maybe: "Oh, man this girl is blowing my mind, she is so smart and beautiful" 2 years and not one chick had an effect on him?! He might be gay lol

doof_fisch 2

You may have been the victim of a double trick. Both you and the blind date may be straight. Your "buddy" might have not only played a trick on you, but he might have set up the other guy as well. And now your "buddy" is laughing at the fact that he got you both.

Lol Penis Face Hey they struck down that stupid draconianfourth world sodomy law so they cant be all that idiotic anymore...

Lol thats freaking hilarious. I can imagine the conversation you had when you confronted your buddy, must have been hilarious.

So? You have a date, so why not make the best of it? If it's that much of a problem, just tell your buddy that you're not gay. Problem solved. This is not an FML.

Maybe I'm alone here, but the "actually thought I was gay" implies to me that OP has done some investigating and this wasn't a practical joke. Also, maybe OP has made comments about hot girls etc., the friend assumed he was trying to stay in the closet, and set up the date to say "I know you're gay & I'm ok with that."

Oh come on, I don't think he deserved the quotation marks around "buddy." He was just trying to help!