By OMFG I LOVE MLP - 24/08/2012 21:00 - Germany - Mainz

Today, my friends set me up on a blind date. I thought it went well, and while saying our goodbyes, I leaned in to give her a kiss. She pulled way, laughed, "I'm not drunk enough for that," and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 929
You deserved it 3 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it just me or does anyone else think kissing on the first date is a little too much too soon? That's just my opinion though.


alyssa_godby24 0

ouch! that's got to suck! sorry bud!

rightspark 7

Now you know 2nd date get her drunk

YDI. Give the girl some respect. Just because a date goes well does not mean it has to end with a kiss or whatever rocks your boat.

Even if she didn't want to kiss you because she wasn't attracted to you or whatever reason she had for not kissing you, she didn't have to say such a harsh comment, that was mean. Sorry OP FYL

KiddNYC1O 20
Special_Psycho 8

Wow. At least she didn't knee you in the groin and call you a pussy. There are hundreds of worse things that could've been worse. A dis is one of the better of the bad things that happened.

I always kiss on a first date. Either buy more alcohol or avoid a second date with this idiot.

Both YDI and FYL. I get why she would be reluctant to kiss on a first date - I personlly would be hesitant, too. However, the way she said it was not necessary at all, that was rather mean.

missknh101 6

You should put ur friend who set u up, on disaster date lol