By Terry - 13/07/2009 04:28 - United States

Today, my friend called to say my boyfriend was at a diner with another woman. I immediately went and caught them in a deep conversation. I slapped him and yelled "Who's this bitch!?" It turns out she's his half sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 612
You deserved it 88 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you slap him before you ask who the girl is? YDI.


Skikkles 0

Who's this bitch?? You are.

thelonelylurker 0

You sure that she's his "half-sister"? Sounds too convenient!

Lonely4 0

I hope he dumped your psycho ass right then and there. I mean, you have serious issues to just go cause a scene like that in public...pathetic need for attention and drama on your part. I'm guessing you thrive on drama and that this isn't the first time you've caused a scene and/or embarrassed him in public. Also, you didn't give your man the benefit of the doubt for a split automatically believed your friend without proof....obviously, your relationship was already in the toilet. What you did was so ghetto, trailer trashy.....seriously, have some dignity.

macc55 2

You believed him? your so vulnerable.

butterfly141989 0

well you pretty much f***ed yourself over on the first impression thing...ydi for being psycho

malcolm1919 0

You should be on flavor of love

How long are you seeing him anyway? He never told you he got a half sister?

Would'nt he of told you that he was meeting up with his half sister? Why would he kep this from you?