By nosestealer - 07/07/2013 21:57 - Canada - Brampton

Today, my five-year-old daughter called the police to report her stolen nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 470
You deserved it 9 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments


JokersHQ 21

Although hilarious, that does suck! Kids, man!

AboveAll04 14

#18, I had to read that like 7 times to understand what the **** you were saying ! re-read your shit before you post your comment -__-

Anyone think of the little girl from the alstate commercial.... [father ]: "smart kid" [daughter ]: "indeed"

Would have been funnier if the police were in the area (on a quiet day) and turned up to play along to cheer her up.

Druu 53

That's a lot of Haterade. You buy in bulk at Costco?

Druu 53

Oops. Sorry for the double post.

Merylwen 24

Best FML I've seen in a while =D

if I get moderated so be it. I know the moderators are diligent in keeping policies but I honestly have to question the legitimacy of this fml. Strikes me as fake. I'm just sayin

LilFlutter 10

I bet if you find a quarter behind her ear, she'll forget all about her missing nose. ;-)