By Anonymous - 29/05/2015 14:23 - United States - Bradenton

Today, my father told me that my mental health issues, which have been confirmed by multiple doctors and tests, are all caused by the fact that I'm slightly overweight and don't exercise a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 427
You deserved it 4 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he's not completely wrong, correct food and exercise actually can improve mental health!

Soo what's the cause of your father being an asshole?


no not they're not, but exercise can often help along with other interventions like therapy and medication, he just wants to help

If you are satisfied with they way you are then stay that way

Pretty sure #45 meant her weight not her mental health...

Guess it's time to start working out??

I have to agree. I've lost some weight lately and my depression and anxiety have gotten much better!! Exercise is great, try weight lifting!

yuppers24 4

My brother and I both suffer from depression. My dad is convinced that depression is caused by a lack of faith in Jesus.

I hate when people are so eager to blame everything on weight. If you are over weight you automatically can't have a single thing wrong with you without it being drawn back to the fact that you're bigger. I have never once witnessed a "thin" person go to a doctor and be told "It's because you're too thin." Not everything has to do with how much gravity it takes to keep you planted on Earth. We as a society can't grow up and get over the fact that some people will always be bigger. Get used to it. I've never had back problems in my life until I tried to lift a paralyzed person and now I have back issues. It's not because of my weight, it's because I have tried to lift someone and now my back is out of whack. I don't have a high blood sugar because of my weight. I have a high blood sugar because it runs in the family and it's been high and carefully monitored since I was a baby. Not everything is weight and people who tell you it's because of weight are superficial. Especially if it is mental health. If you go down a size you will still have the same mental health issue. Sorry to tell you.

You are 20 years old? Wait 10 years, everything WILL be because of your weight if you are overweight. Being overweight, especially all of your life, just keeps snowballing and causing more and more issues.

The OP said they have been diagnosed so obviously the doctor took them seriously and didn't blame it on their weight. The OPs father did. And yes, often people do get real problems ignored because doctors are lazy and blame it on weight. But it does go both ways. Fertility issues are often dismissed as a person being too skinny as are digestive or gastro issues.

Sorry ran out of time to edit: At one point in my life I was too skinny and the doctors wouldn't listen to a medical problem I had instead tried to force me to eat a lot and convince me I had an eating disorder etc. So I put on a bunch of weight so he was happy and still had the problem and he FINALLY took me seriously after 6 months. Some doctors are just lazy and want to blame something "easy" no matter which side of the weight spectrum it is.

Actually it happens quite often that people go into the doctor and are told they need to put on weight. My sister in law was told if she stayed so thin any longer she wouldn't be able to have kids. I was told if I didn't lose weight I wouldn't be able to have kids. Excess in any form is never good for people. Too fat, too thin, too tall, too short; all these things cause issue with your health in some way.

I have mental health problems which are service related. Losing weight and exercise definitely helps but your father could have used a better approach to tell you.