By gloomy - 15/08/2017 20:00

Today, my daughter and I went to the mall. While we were looking for clothes, she walked away from me and touched a man on the arm and smiled and said "Hi!" The man freaked out and screamed at me for letting that "thing" in public and to "wear a condom next time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 798
You deserved it 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Well, I wish I could tell your father the same thing about you, sir, but I'm afraid I'm far too late!"

I'm assuming your daughter is a toddler, lol wtf is his problem? Obviously someone who isn't mentally all there. I've had children run and grab my ass and I won't be happy but I won't scream at them, the best thing you can do is just inform their parents


I'm assuming your daughter is a toddler, lol wtf is his problem? Obviously someone who isn't mentally all there. I've had children run and grab my ass and I won't be happy but I won't scream at them, the best thing you can do is just inform their parents

"Well, I wish I could tell your father the same thing about you, sir, but I'm afraid I'm far too late!"

Mungolikecandy 19

I would say you met someone who suffers from a mental disorder. It may possibly be paedophobia.

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Paedophobia is the fear of children. Not to be confused with pedophilia which is a sexual attraction towards children.

Wait, did it say phobia, or philia? I don't remember now, and I can't view the entire thing.

Mungolikecandy 19
tarabella 7

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Even if this is true that comment (and your's) is rude and uncalled for.

Yummi_913 18

The comment is only rude if you read it with the wrong attitude in mind. It's a valid question. People are often caught off guard by deformities. Not saying it's right or fair. It just happens. Some people are scared of, or defensive towards deformities. The guy was clearly being a dick regardless. Honestly, it's even worse if the kid is deformed because to me it shows that he may view people with deformities as animals or non-human creatures. If it was just an average looking kid, he likely just views kids as pests of some kind and has a rude personality on top of that.

I am curious on the follow up... If some would say that to my kid apologizies need to be made fast .. I wouldn't care who said it, they would not walk away without a apology.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

they'd drive away. In an ambulace car amiright?

Anyone diwnviting me is obviously supporting the guy who insulted OP's kid. And no I am not promoting violence, I give people ample time to apoligize. My wife on the otherhand I would probably have to bail out..

lamaitresse9 1

There is probably an integral part of the story missing, such as the child dumped a slushy all over his Tom Ford suit, thus ruining it; she startled him and he dropped his wife's make up haul etc. I'm not a kid fan, but people aren't horribly rude to people's faces for absolutely no reason whatsoever, especially when there is a child around!

There are some dicks out there. Not many of them, thankfully, but enough that they feel it is appropriate for them to be dicks.

Now I am curieus, did you give birth to Gollum LOL!!!

Maybe you shouldn’t be out shopping if you can’t “control your beast.”

In no situation is that ever ok to say. But OP, wish you would explain background or tell if it was just random.... sounds like you met a special kinda guy lol!