By Foreveralone - 09/04/2012 05:07 - United States

Today, my coworker was talking to me about how there's always that one person in a group of friends that everyone secretly dislikes and laughs at. I realized that person is me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 018
You deserved it 2 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww doesn't that suck? I always wonder if I'm that one...It's not a good feeling


PinkChampaign 0

Bro, bro...your "friend" got that off of a Dane Cook bit. Although that statement is true, it is copyright.

You "realized" that person is you? Sounds like jumping to conclusions... not every group has that person. Some people actually like all their friends, which is why they keep hanging out with them.

Oh shit maybe I'm that one... Naw all my friends admit to making fun of me for not being an artist and they're not preppy bitches.

Watch Dane cook "friend nobody likes" it makes your situation hilarious! I use to be that person! Show them a person to love!

MissChevious 1

It's true. And you never know if that person is you or not :/ Get some new friends, OP.

I can also relate. Happened to me 3yrs ago. Somehow when it's ur friends and/or coworkers, u think to urself 'nah, they can't be talking about me'. Then the truth comes around and bites u in the ass. I just hope karma is right around the corner!

"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people." Fyl.

CherryToothache 17

It's probably not your fault either. A lot of 'friend that no-one actually likes' friends seem to be disliked for no real reason. Their personalties just don't go with the group.