By katiebabby - 17/06/2010 16:19 - United States

Today, my computer was hit by something bigger than a virus: a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 659
You deserved it 4 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Toyota, bringing you forward even when you don't want to


how does that happen? lol. unless you left it somewhere like a driveway or that case that's just asking for it.

PatrickLikesMilk 0

It's from Texas. Why am I not surprised.

OP, where the hell did you have your computer?

owen2012 0
pureecstasy 5

pfft girls don't need cars

sleepyhungry93 0

how did u manage this lol...

kay729 7

why was your computer somewhere a car would be? or why was a car somewhere your computer would be? hmmmmmmmmm