By really?? - 02/06/2014 07:33 - United States - Dinuba

Today, my boyfriend's mother hung a picture of him and his ex-girlfriend up. We've been together for 3 years now. Guess she really does hate me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 787
You deserved it 4 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My ex-boyfriend's mum did the same, and she'd go on about how lovely his ex was. I've heard that since breaking up she's done it with his new girlfriend too.

Comet_Candy 23

What an insensitive woman. I really hope your boyfriend stuck up for you and said something about it/took it down. FYL, op!


That sucks. Hopefully she'll warm up to you!

friedpwnadge 25

Is it just natural law that in-laws are monstrous human beings?

Demig0d6 14
dmcd_39 14

I think it's safe to say that 90%of women go bat shit mentally unstable when it's time for there baby boy to focus a little less on mama and a little more on another women.

My in-laws are wonderful, so presumably not.

My ex-boyfriend's mum did the same, and she'd go on about how lovely his ex was. I've heard that since breaking up she's done it with his new girlfriend too.

my ex mother did something similar like that

RedPillSucks 31

Does that mean she started wistfully talking about you in a positive manner after you broke up?

Ribit 9

Of course it does, and she means it just as much.

#38, yeah, I don't get it, but yeah! She likes me now that I'm not there any more!

wow, that's really harsh, but maybe just rub the fact that you are dating him in her face and that you're here to stay

yea but then she won't just be her "boyfriends mom" she'd be OP's MOTHER-in-law

if they've been together three years,it's already a possibility.

Comet_Candy 23

What an insensitive woman. I really hope your boyfriend stuck up for you and said something about it/took it down. FYL, op!

FYL, OP. I'd feel so shitty if I was in your situation. Even if you don't like someone you should at least have the decency to respect them and not do things like that

Wait for her birthday or Christmas and give her a giant canvas of you and your boyfriend OP :) she will love it..

My boyfriends mom isn't a huge fan of me either but that really sucks :(. You should draw a mustache on the girlfriend.

My now husband never even had any other girlfriend. We were the only people each other ever dated. My mother in law still tries to cause problems over some girl he went to the church that has a terrible personality and weighs 400+ pounds she wishes he would have dated. After 10 years, no improvement

Respect101 17

Life story? and why add the 400+ pounds? Some people are into that. Not me, but some, still seems insensitive to say that as one of the reasons he shouldn't have dated her.

havahnegila 22

It can be hard when your significant other's family doesn't like you. But keep in mind, when you marry, you are also marrying his family and tying yourself to them in an irreparable way. Think carefully about investing more time because a lot if times if the boyfriends mother doesn't approve, he won't propose.

I really don't think that in the three years of dating her boyfriend, OP hasn't spent enough time with his mother. His mother is just being immature and inconsiderate. She deserves a good slap in the face, and OP's boyfriend should rip her a new one (if he hasn't already). And really, if OP's boyfriend wants to marry her, nothing will stand in his way. It's his life, and it would be his fiancée, not his mother's.

jazzy_123 20

my bfs mom doesn't really like me that much and he always talks about one day proposing and how he doesn't care what she says (he really doesn't). He also defends me anytime she crosses the line. So even though we're not married, we've established that it's our goal. Therefore, your argument is invalid #10.

askullnamedbilly 33

So basically you're suggesting OP shouldn't get invested in the relationship because if she were to marry her boyfriend, she'd marry into his family. So the son should get punished for his mother's terrible behavior? The guy probably hasn't done anything wrong. I know I'd be sick and tired of my mum still disapproving of my relationship after three years, and I'd be heartbroken if I got broken up with because of someone else's actions. Give the mother the cold shoulder, not her son.

I understood what #10 meant, which wasn't that the boyfriend would be punished for his mother's actions, but that the boyfriend wouldn't want to marry OP because his mother didn't approve. Both of these are equally wrong, but I thought I should clarify.

RedPillSucks 31

Well, OP doesn't say how old they are. Some of this will depend on the age of the participants. It will also depend on the relationship between mother and son. I think you each have good point, but I would suggest that OP not spend any effort trying to get back at the mom. If they do marry, OP will not want the living hell that is monster-in-law. OP might try to talk to her SO to see what might be done to get on moms good side (other than breaking up so she can taunt the next girlfriend about how good OP was).