By pencilring - 04/09/2010 14:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed. The ring just had a piece of graphite on it. My boyfriend argued that since graphite and diamonds are both just forms of carbon, it is the same thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 717
You deserved it 14 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slushpup9696 12
Breeneefml12 0

why are you bitching? at least you know he wants to spend the rest of his life with you now, so shut the **** up and be happy.


lostbeyondhope 0

if I were him I'd leave you. all that matters is that he wants to spend his life with you. my husband and I bought our rings for less than 100 each. I'm still satisfied 5 years later.

hawty12345 0

how is this not an fml? her bf gave her a friggn piece if graffiti as a ring what a cheap bitch

Your man is clever. FHL for having a whiny bitch like you.

get over yourself. he could find someone else more appreciative of him

Who cares if it's diamonds or what? That's not what it's about. F his life for having a bitch of a girl.

are you for real? atleast he loves you :/

I agree 153! The ring is just a symbol! You don't have to be a bitch and complain! He took the risk and showed his love for you and your going to complain that the ring isn't a ******* diamond!?

sourgirl101 28

I like your boyfriend/fiancé already! Just tell him your engagement ring is a down payment for how great your future sex, as a married couple will be. Hopefully he likes cheap sex. (: