By hrtbrkn - 16/07/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of a year broke up with me because "God told him to." What God didn't tell him was that I would check his e-mail and find all the e-mails to and from his new girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 311
You deserved it 6 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Typical, using religion as an excuse for dirty work.

OmgItsAnaBeatriz 0

That's a Really Lame Excuse From Him =(


cooorah 0

Who e-mails each other anymore?

wolfman1224 0

its obvious she didnt do it while they were still together or she wouldnt have let him get away with that excuse...

obviously you were doing something wrong in the relationship! You pushed him away!


you fail miserably for referencing the worst hero movie of all time. maybe not the absolute worst, but close to it,. the real riddler is just a genius and a psychopath, with a dry wit and calm demeanor. like kevin spacey in se7en. go stab yourself with a battarang.

Ydi maybe God did tell him to and so what of he has a new gf, also ydi for checking his email, creeper

Also it never said cheating. After the breakup the new gf happened. ...

so why couldn't he just tell the truth? dumbass

jisaac09 25

2+102 is right..... Leave him the **** alone ho, maybe god didnt tell him to do that or to cheat on you..... but its over stop stalkin this piece of shit and let it all go.... shit....

wow that is gay gods a myth....i feel bad for u :(