By Sugartits - 08/08/2017 13:00

Today, my boyfriend forgot to pick me up from work. We work at the same place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 120
You deserved it 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you working at the same time? Because if it's a different shift then I might understand.


I hope you mean EX-boyfriend! If he worked elsewhere, that might be forgiveable! Court adjourned!

Were you working at the same time? Because if it's a different shift then I might understand.

arioch_fml 20

I don't think this would be an fml unless it was the same time lol.

ThatIsSoFetch 7

I hope you forgot he was your boyfriend.

If you're going to be so petty to break up someone for something like that you shouldn't be in a relationship

And thats why I always drive myself to work ??? My clutz of a boyfriend would surely forget me too ???. Than race back and pull a puppy dog face...

arioch_fml 20

So few questions, how long was his shift? Did he do a closing shift into an opening shift, and where exactly do you work? Depending on that I would say it sucks, but it is kind or reasonable.

gobiteme2 34

Was he able to explain the other person with him.