By Anonymous - 12/09/2015 20:50 - United Kingdom - Brentwood

Today, my boyfriend convinced me to face my fear of horror movies by promising to hold my hand through the entire flick. He fell asleep 10 minutes into it, farting and snoring in his sleep, whilst I was paralysed by fear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 991
You deserved it 3 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must of been a hell of a fart to paralyse you

Why didn't you try to wake him up and leave the theater?


I did this to a friend of mine. I didn't realize how much it traumatized him until afterwards. I sort of felt bad. But I was right there in the room. He could've woken me up at anytime.

should have waken him up. It was that simple.