By intheairtonight - 25/04/2012 06:22 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, it was snowing, and the campus looked just lovely. I sat on a nearby window ledge to enjoy the view. I was joined by a girl who looked fascinated as well, so I decided to make small talk. She nodded, smiled wistfully, and said, "There's herpes in the air today." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 675
You deserved it 3 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

For some reason, I pictured Luna Lovegood saying it.

"There's herpes in the air today." *Awkard silence.* "I hope they have pudding." *Hops off ledge, skips away." Scene.


mrmerino 0

How was this awkward? You got to look at snow, and was joined by a girl who felt comfortable enough to talk about genitals.

skyeyez9 24

Well being a college campus, someone, somewhere was about to get herpes in their dorm room as a result of promiscuous drunk sex.

She has Wizard Eyes. She can see what's in your pants. She knows, now we all know. We must spread her wizardly teachings unto the world like thou hast spread thine vaginal disease.

silentblack 0

There was probably herpes in her pants too

dvoth 4

That's hilarious! Lmao! Sounds like best friend material to me:)

Sound like psycho to me, send her my way, I just love crazy girls. :3

hamsmum 2

I instantly thought of Luna Lovegood from HP. Please don't hate me lol.