By michellenKG - 23/01/2012 05:05 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. The only thing I got was a coupon for a couples acupuncture session from my sister. I'm single and have an extreme fear of needles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 206
You deserved it 2 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jellitonoctopus 19

Needles to say you did not go, right?

Glitterhinoceros 14

Needles have never been the same after that Final Destination movie...


maybe someday you'll need it, and it won't be so pointless. no? okay.

The_Troller 14
palahniukpaul 6

No, coupons have little price value. The actual value would range from a few cents to a fraction of a penny. Really, why buy a coupon?

xStaciexLynnx 15

Actually I think there's sites for stuff like that? Like if you save $10 you can buy it for $3? Or its like a big trading site. Lol. I'm not sure. Maybe I'm making it up.

rob3rt561 0

Atleast u got something, on my bitthday my mom asked me for 20 bucks!!! That was itt!!!.. :( Happy bdayy

Let's hope this was just a prank, and the surprise party is going to happen later on today with better presents

What woman doesn't like to get poked on her birthday. I think something is wrong with op

Sell it on eBay, I'm sure someone out there likes being stabbed with needles haha.

AlaskaKid95 7

Maybe she's encouraging you to meet someone and get over your fear of needles? Try to be optimistic. (:

Aww happy bday! :) and if your sister knows you have a fear of needles, she's being insensitive. Sorry

Natty23 0

The place for acupuncture, you don't even feel the needles, thats the cool part, I've been there and I've talked to people about it, everybody said they don't feel it