By Danielle - 10/06/2012 19:19 - Canada - Aldergrove

Today, it's day two of my family's camping trip. Despite the weather, bugs, and portapotties, we were doing okay, until the can opener broke. My husband is stubbornly insisting that we live off cereal and peanut butter for another five days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 126
You deserved it 3 231

Same thing different taste


Megan98 18

In my case I would only be living off of cereal. After what I found out about peanut butter, I will never eat it again. -_- Not that anyone cares, I'm just saying.

Organic peanut butter is good though... This I know!!

Megan98 18

Oh, that's good to know. Thanks. :)

your husband ever hear of a multitool? has a can opener on it

Id go find a sharp rock and beat the shit out the can.

blackdalia 0

Cereal and peanut putter is delicacy in Africa

Use a rock or a knife like everyone says or hey why not go fishing??

If you have internet access, perhaps there are people to borrow a can opener from ...?

soad2014 7

Gimme a spoon! I'll help y'all finish it off!!! :D

superhappychappy 0

come on, you shouldn't go camping in the first place if you can't deal with a broken can opener...