By Vero - 17/05/2012 15:02 - Austria - Timelkam

Today, in an attempt to be romantic, my boyfriend threw little stones against my window. Unfortunately, the window wasn't closed, and I was standing in front of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 350
You deserved it 3 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's not going to hurt the window, it's not going to hurt you.


ILoveIronMan6283 3

You know what's funny? I saw someone wrote this same exact post but from a different person.

He seriously couldn't tell the window was open?

Boo hoo. Don't see why you're complaining when he was trying to do something romantic. It's not like the little stones would hurt you. P.S. For the people saying he's an idiot for throwing while she was there maybe he was throwing it first and just continued, not noticing she was standing there. Duh

Boo hoo. Don't see why you're complaining when he was trying to do something romantic. It's not like the little stones would hurt you. P.S. For the people saying he's an idiot for throwing while she was there maybe he was throwing it first and just continued, not noticing she was standing there. Duh

Boo hoo. Don't see why you're complaining when he was trying to do something romantic. It's not like the little stones would hurt you. P.S. For the people saying he's an idiot for throwing while she was there maybe he was throwing it first and just continued, not noticing she was standing there. Duh

Boo hoo. Don't see why you're complaining when he was trying to do something romantic. It's not like the little stones would hurt you. P.S. For the people saying he's an idiot for throwing while she was there maybe he was throwing it first and just continued, not noticing she was standing there. Duh