By Ohshit - 17/05/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to a hand rubbing my very erect penis, and a woman's peppermint breath in my ear. "Mom?" I called out instinctively, recalling how she always smells like peppermint. The hand stopped rubbing, and I turned to face my very disgusted looking girlfriend of three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 399
You deserved it 92 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dmipotc 0

how often does your mom rub your "very erect penis"? ur instinctive reaction freaks me out


abbylovee 0

aww thats terrible, hope it all worked out!

Well, that proves Freud right, doesn't it?

Just be glad it wasn't your dad who smelled like peppermint...

How does one also forget that his girlfriend slept with him last night? You don't just default to your mom, unless you're a ******* weirdo. (or more likely, a phony FML.)

waxstigmata 0

ok, all those people who are calling him sick because he though his mom was rubbing him, need to go back to english class over the summer and learn to read, because it was the smell, NOT the hand, that made him think of his mom. to OP you could have played it off as if you were calling her "mama" FLY

ashlynnANDkelsey 0

umm yeah does ur momalways rub ur penis

It would of been epic if she would of said, "oh yes, I'm your mama, show your mama what she wants!"

HAHAHA She rubs just like mom used to....