By Higgs - 02/06/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I went to the pool. When I hit the water the top of my swimsuit came off so I tried to put it on underwater. The lifeguard thought I was drowning and pulled me out in front of everyone. Topless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 130
You deserved it 6 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i suppose boobs dont make good personal floating devices

ahahahahahaha. stupid lifeguard. but maybe he was hot.....


fylcuzthatsfunny 0
eggwhites 0

Was there anything to see? If there was then the life guard did it on purpose. LOL

and... #28 Really...??? Their "wet clothes" are a bathing suit... They dry fast, it's usually HOT when your sitting in the sun all day so wet feels good, and ANY guy would jump in the water to see *******! You are wrong!

setpratwet 0

Hope you have nice boobs to be proud on! If not FYL........

midnighthammers 0

If you just had big **** you could use them as floatation devices and the life guard wouldn't have to jump in to save you.

woaherlyn 0

Did any guys talk to you after that? I would have!